Title: Eddies My Name - Eddie Holman
Size: 26in x 18in
Materials: Acrylic gouache, crackle paste on canvas board. Protected with several layers of Montana archival UV resistant varnish.
Description: Basically a painting I had wanted to create for a long time, and shied away for various reasons. I would be this chap had I been in my late teens in the 1970s and off to Wigan Casino, hes sporting all the Soulie attire I absolutely love. Finishing his cigarette before heading to the stylised Casino queue, for a night of hot dancing. An unusual take on the Wigan front but encapsulating the bright back lights, silhouetted party goers and the legendary Wigan Casino signage.
Size: 26in x 18in
Materials: Acrylic gouache, crackle paste on canvas board. Protected with several layers of Montana archival UV resistant varnish.
Description: Basically a painting I had wanted to create for a long time, and shied away for various reasons. I would be this chap had I been in my late teens in the 1970s and off to Wigan Casino, hes sporting all the Soulie attire I absolutely love. Finishing his cigarette before heading to the stylised Casino queue, for a night of hot dancing. An unusual take on the Wigan front but encapsulating the bright back lights, silhouetted party goers and the legendary Wigan Casino signage.