Title: Tow-A-Way Zone - Diane Jenkins 1961
Size: 27cm x 22cm approx
Materials: High pigment watercolour ink, mixed media on St Cuthberts Mill Bockingford Rough watercolour paper.
Description: Painting deliberately made to look like an expired Polaroid photo, with the same dimensions, this is 2.5 times the size. A series of trial and error experiements to get the bleached expired vintage look,and deliberately aged with creases and rusty like markings, 'hand' written note to mimic something from a scrap book, old photo album or box under the bed of precious memories.
Lambretta awaiting the opening of the Mecca, maybe arrived to early or the night before into Blackpool....I absolutely loved painting this, especially the angle of the Lambretta. Part of my vintage Polaroid series of Remembered Imaginings (Musings Blog about them here).